Off Ice Summer Strength and Conditioning
Wednesdays September 4, 2024- November 20, 2024
Weds 5:20p - 6:10p Advanced Strength and Conditioning. 10y/o+ and/or Pre-Preliminary Freestyle +up. Skaters in this class have prior off-ice training experience can proficiently squats with correct form and a minimum of 10 pushups. All skaters in this class should be able to do off-ice waltz jumps - lutz. Axels and doubles will also be worked on by skaters at that level. This class is perfect for motivated athletes who practice at home and consistently challenge themselves to achieve athletic excellence. 10 skaters max
Weds 6:10p - 7:00p (7y/o - 13 y/o, learn to skate, aspire & other athletes) Skaters are working on single jumps. The athletes in this class have some off ice experience and are looking to improve their athleticism and skills. 10 skaters max
Class rates are prorated and listed as such as the season progresses.
Class rate with a class pack = $20/class
Class rate as a walk-in (pending space) $22/class
Conway Arena
5 Stadium Drive,
Nashua, NH 03062
Main Instructor: Mara Smith MS ATC CSCS
Substitute Instructor: Justine Blase NASM PES
Classes will be held outside whenever possible in dry weather between 70 & 85 degrees. Please dress accordingly. Yoga mat, sunscreen, bug spray, cold water and a sweat towel are recommended.
Conway Fall Wednesday Skater Fitness
These in person fitness classes are specifically geared toward figure skaters who are serious about improving their athletic performance.
Classes will include:
- Brief warm ups
- Endurance training
- Plyometrics
- Agility
- Interval Training
- Full body strength circuits with a concentration on core stability
- Posture and sport specific exercises
- Off - ice jumping
- Stretching
Exercises are tailored appropriately for age, ability, and sport. A small class size will allow the instructor to ensure exercises are performed properly with correct form. We will also add sport specific elements into each work out and educate participants about how non-specific exercises will directly and indirectly improve athletic performance. Classes will conclude with guided stretching to help improve flexibility and targeted to decrease post workout muscle soreness.
The goals of these classes are not only to improve strength and overall athleticism but also to instill a love of fitness training and knowledge of exercises that participants will feel comfortable using throughout life.